Have you ever just woken up feeling doubtful about life and the direction you’re going? I know I have, especially with social media making it worse seeing everyone else succeed and you feeling like you are in the same place you were last year, but let me ask you, what is your definition of success?
Jeremiah 29:11 states, “I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope.”
We tend to question why this or why that, but we forget that the man above has an omniscient perspective, and he sees where we are going and where we have been. He also knows when we still need some growing up to do, so trust the process.
But we need to stop sowing doubt and stop spilling negativity into the atmosphere with our voices. When you say, “I don’t think this, or I don’t believe that,” you are sowing doubt. Trust the process. We want things to happen now, but everything in life takes time. It takes nine months for a baby to be born and approximately 10 to 14 days for a butterfly to emerge. We want things to happen now! HA! Sorry, what if you are not ready?
There is a series of events in life that we all must go through to evolve. Some people must be motivated and walk on pins and needles before getting it. Our tears flow before we open our eyes to see what we have been missing.
Self-help author Karen Salmansohn states, “hold the vision…drop the excuses…remember your why. Swerve around obstacles…trust the process. Happiness and success will find you.”
A lot of us give up on our dreams. We catch up daily, trying to keep a roof over our heads and bellies full. We don’t want to risk what we have for something that probably will not work. But The man above will not do all the work for you. You have to put in the work. Plant seeds. Whatever seed you decide to plant, it will grow. So, be positive. Speak positivity. Know that even in darkness, there is light. The moon shines after the sun goes down.
Can I ask you, do you even know what you want? What is your vision for your life?
Habakkuk 2:3 states, “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end ─ it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.”
Your destiny will happen at the right time. We don’t know what time that is because we might still have some learning. Let me ask you, do you have anything better to do than you trusting the process? Do you like soaking, making yourself miserable? If you are contemplating if you did the right thing. Think about the lessons and move on. Don’t dwell in the “what ifs” because it will mess with your mind. Be thankful, and get to work! So, please do it now and trust the process!